Yesterday we wanted to have a nice breakfast and decided to make some pancakes. Funny thing is that, we encountered few problems when preparing them as we were missing many supplies needed for the pancake preparations. First we realised that we don't have a spatula to flip the pancakes and my boyfriend went out in hopes of finding one. Clearly every shop was closed for Easter Sunday. In the meanwhile when I started preparing the pancake mix I realised we didn't have any bowls to mix it in. Secondly we also didn't have a whisk, measurement cup or scoop. In the end, we didn't have any of the previously mentioned kitchen supplements and in the end I ended up making the pancake mix in a big pot, whisking it with a fork, measuring everything using a coffee cup and eventually flipping the pancakes with a cheese slicer. :) Surprisingly, the pancakes came out great anyway. However, it seems that we need to make a quick trip to IKEA.
Ingredients needed for the pancake mix:
at: 4/26/2011 said...
Nami..herkullinen postaus : )
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